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How I fill my Meal Prep Freezer for Summer!

Bye Bye savory soups and recipes using the oven. When Summer hits, my freezer game changes!

Here is how I fill my meal prep freezer for the Summer! 

How I fill my meal prep freezer for summer

I live in Canada, so while we don’t get the hot hot hot summers of Texas, we do have a super dry heat here in Alberta, and no AC in our house. 

So, in the summer I rely on anything that can come from the freezer, and not use my oven or stove top. 

I use my freezer stash for breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. Crazy, right?

Nah… just efficient. 

Breakfasts in the summer are smoothies, and things I can microwave or pop into my air fyrer to reheat. 

Here is what is in my freezer this summer for breakfast! 

Summer Breakfasts

Freezer lunches are essential for the summer. 

On Sunday’s we are usually getting home from camping or a weekend road trip and making lunches is just not in the cards. 

I will take one afternoon, prep a few of these, and then freeze them in single serve containers for grab and go lunches all summer!

Summer Lunches

Have a big cook day, make a few of these, and freeze them in single serve containers for grab and go lunches all summer!

Summer dinners… must be cooked outside… or over a campfire. 

Getting home from work to a non air conditioned hot house means zero chance I am turning a burner or an oven on. It also means Brad does most of the weeknight cooking all summer. 

I prep the meals, he cooks them.. .outside… all summer. 

Here is what is in my freezer all summer for dinners… and camping! 

Summer Dinners

So, there you have it. All the ways I fill my freezer for the summer! 

What are some of the things you love for the summer?! Tell me in the comments below! 

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