taco spaghetti in souper cube trays

Explore everything we have created for you in this recipe index

Customize your search to find the recipes you want by category, method of preparing, or protein type!

We have everything from breakfast to cold lunches, to meal preps, to main dishes for dinners, to freezer meals.

The goal with all of our recipes is to be easy in terms of directions and as few ingredients as we can get away with!


Instant Pot Sweet and Sour meatballs in glass meal prep container

Meal Preps

2 greek salad meal preps side by side landscape

Cold Lunch

Instant Pot

prepped freezer meal in a ziplock

Freezer Meals

hamburger vegetable soup in bowl with instant pot

Soups + Stews

Instant Pot Mexican Meatballs close up on plate

Dinner Mains
