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The Best Meals to Prep & Freeze Before Baby

There is no better time to jump on the freezer meal train than just before you have a baby!

To get you inspired to fill your freezer before baby, here are my favorite easy meals to prep and freeze before baby arrives!

The Best Meals to Prep and Freeze before Baby

After a baby, your whole schedule is now on the terms of your new little human, and planning and prepping meals is likely going to be one of the last priorities. Hello showers and sleeping! 

When witching hour starts in the evening, you will want nothing more that to take a thawed freezer meal out and have dinner prep already done! 

But, don’t just prep dinners! You will need ONE HANDED breakfast foods too!

For breakfast and lunch you are likely to be the only adult around, and so reheat only and one handed foods are going to be a life saver.

In the evenings you are more likely to have a partner home to tackle dinner with you. But, having all of the prep work done makes things SO much easier… and a whole lot less ordering in. 

Here are my personal hand picked meals that I think you should prep and freeze before baby arrives! 

EASY Meals to Prep & Freeze Before Baby Arrives

A little work in the kitchen before baby comes will be a life saver! Better yet, if you have a friend that is expecting, make a few of these and drop them off and you will quickly be promoted to BFF! 

So, there you have it, the best meals to prep and freeze before baby! 

If you prep these, I want to see!!! Tag me @mealplanaddict over on Instagram, or come post a photo in the Meal Plan Addict Community! 

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