How to Use an Instant Pot For Once a Week Meal Prep

This tool creates efficiency for me because I can set something, and then while it cooks, get going on something else.  If you end up with a bit of an Instant Pot family, you can get more than one going and prep multiple things at once!

Why I love my Instant Pot!

Use it for Perfect Prep Food


Easy Peel Hard Boiled EggsPerfect Basmati Rice, Brown or White. – Fluffy QuinoaShredded ChickenDYI Sandwich MeatSweet Potatoes   

Pot in Pot For Easy Lunchs


Cooking pot in pot has been a game changer! This means I can cook the protein and the starch, all at the same time, yet it is separate.

Dumb and Go Dinners


On Sunday, I prep my dinners RAW, and then during the busy weeknight we just dump it into the IP and go do something else while dinner cooks.

This tool creates efficiency for me because I can set something, and then while it cooks, get going on something else.  If you end up with a bit of an Instant Pot family, you can get more than one going and prep multiple things at once!

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